Firefighter and Public Safety Employee Testing
Regulations & Guidelines
O.S.H.A. regulation 1910.156 section (b) part (2) states, *The employer shall not permit employees with known heart disease, epilepsy, or emphysema to participate in fire brigade emergency activities unless a medical clearance of the employee*s fitness to participate in such activities is provided.* O.S.H.A. regulation 1910.134 section (b) part (10) states. * Persons should not be assigned to tasks requiring use of respirators unless it has been determined that they are physically able to use the equipment.* NFPA 1582 states, *Firefighters must be medically capable of performing their required duties.*
The thing that sets Occupational Testing Services apart from other companies providing fitness evaluations for firefighters is we do a 12 lead EKG with breath by breath analysis using a Medical Graphics Metabolic Cart. The end point of the test is based on both cardiac and pulmonary data. We do not stop at a predicted heart rate but instead perform a symptom limited maximal treadmill test to determine each firefighters VO2 max (functional capacity). The important difference is that the EKG is recorded under strenuous conditions not a sub-maximal cutoff level and the functional capacity is a precise measurement not estimated.
The thing that sets Occupational Testing Services apart from other companies providing fitness evaluations for firefighters is we do a 12 lead EKG with breath by breath analysis using a Medical Graphics Metabolic Cart. The end point of the test is based on both cardiac and pulmonary data. We do not stop at a predicted heart rate but instead perform a symptom limited maximal treadmill test to determine each firefighters VO2 max (functional capacity). The important difference is that the EKG is recorded under strenuous conditions not a sub-maximal cutoff level and the functional capacity is a precise measurement not estimated.
Annual Testing
The Fitness Forum will provide the following team of professionals onsite:
The following tests will be performed:
Post Test ResultsUpon completion of testing each firefighter will have access to their Patient Portal with all labs, EKG, PFT, and Clearance Forms. Each individual's portal includes education specific to their needs and status. The Chief or designated person will receive the required Clearance Forms for all tested.
Optional Services
- Non-Respiratory Physical & Bloodwork (for support staff that are not required to where respirators)
- A1-C (test to measure long-term of glucose control)
- Drug Screen (9 panel)
- Heavy Metal Blood Test
- Tuberculosis test (PPD or Quantiferon)
- Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) or Ovarian Cancer (CA-125)
- DOT Card
- Hepatitis B Vaccination (Series of 3 shots)
- Hepatitis B Titer
- Hepatitis C Screening
- Chest X-ray and Interpretation
- HIV Screening
- Strength Testing- sit-ups/pushups, hand strength, leg and arm strength
- Oher Blood tests upon request